A Lighting Provider With Vision
Energyficient is the turnkey lighting distributor ESCOs trust to help them win
Our designs incorporate creativity and ingenuity that separates our work from other providers. Our highly experienced team of engineers design for what should be there. They research applicable lighting standards, energy, electric, and building codes to ensure our proposal meets regulations and local rules. We use our membership in the IESNA to access the most up to date standards for lighting to make informed, educated decisions. Our calculations and layouts are done in house to provide the most confidence in the choices made and to eliminate the guess work in lighting.
Our people and our processes showcase the expertise required to make the construction phase of the ESCO’s project less expensive, smooth and without error. We utilize the extensive data collected during the audit phase of the project throughout the project life cycle including the warranty phase to deliver a level of accuracy and completeness second to none.
ESCOs depend on Energyficient to go beyond the best design and lowest price. We provide them with professional services including, construction management and measurement and verification that includes data loggers and light level measurements.
- A Comprehensive ESCO Partner
- Multiple Design & Proposal Options
- Reliable Energy- saving Projections
- Measurement & Verification
A Comprehensive
ESCO Partner
When we work with an ESCO, we provide the extra value services they need. Of course we create a detailed inventory of the existing lighting system, but we go further providing auditing, design, in-house engineering, measurement and verification, and construction management.

Request a sample proposal. All pricing and names have been redacted. (We take confidentiality seriously, too.)
Multiple Design
& Proposal Options
Our flexibility is a big advantage and has helped our ESCO partners win business. We give ESCOs incredibly detailed proposals in multiple and custom formats — so their managers and engineers can quickly understand our plans. ESCOs love that we provide design options that enable them to give their customers more than one choice. Our proposals can be customized to result in quicker simple payback (SPB) or to provide a more attractive net present value (NPV) to the customer.
Reliable Energy-Saving Projections
The reason our energy-saving estimates are so reliable is because we conduct extensive, thorough assessments by cataloging the existing system. As well as conduct a detailed analysis of that data using trusted sources for the variables like input wattage, vacancy rates, and documented hours of operation.
Energyficient has never had a customer file a claim for energy or construction shortages and neither will you.

Measurement & Verification
Energyficient offers the additional service of measurement and verification (M&V). Performed by experienced lighting professionals and done to each individual ESCO specification to meet the needs of the performance guarantees.
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